Of Mice And Men - Conneting Story To Quote

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Of Mice and Men Essay “The best laid schemes o’ mice and men often go astray, and leave us nothing but grief and pain for promised joy”. This quote by Robert Burns is the origin of the title and storyline for Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. This bestseller is set in the time of the Great Depression, a time of lost money and broken dreams. The story tells of two grown men named George and Lennie that are friends and travel together looking for work. They want to earn enough money to fulfill their American dream. During the novel, the two friends and their fellow characters face many of the hardships dealt with during the dreadful decade that is the 1930’s. The well-known quote “The best laid schemes o’ mice and men often go astray, and leave us nothing but grief and pain for promised joy” by Robert Burns reflects into the Great Depression as well as Of Mice and Men. It means that no matter how well planned or how motivated the dreamer, it is quite often that the hopeful scheme is devastated. Thus, leaving aforementioned dreamer feeling wayment towards the lost plan. Robert Burns’ quote connects to the story because most of the characters have lost dreams. Curly lost his dream of being a boxer, and throughout the story his broken dream shows through when he picks fights with other characters to get that physical aggression. His wife consistently dolls herself up with her hair done and full make up, because she wanted to be a movie star and live a life of luxury. She even had opportunities to fulfill her dream, but they failed to go through. Crooks, Lennie, George, and Candy all shared the dream of wanting to own a ranch, be their own boss, “An’ live off the fatta the lan’ ”. The men concoct their fantasy thoroughly, but it never manages to extend farther than their imagination. The theme between all these characters is that they’re all saddled with a

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