Of Mice And Men.

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Of Mice and Men by Nobel Prize winner, John Steinbeck, is a globally famous novel, capturing its audience by encompassing universal themes that are truthfully realistic in depicting human existence. The director, Gary Sinise, modified the text to accommodate the cinema without losing the essence and meaning of the novel. Thus, Sinise utilized the basic elements of film, such as cinematography, lighting, costumes, plot, sound, acting, and casting, to ensure the themes, relationships, plot and overall message was centralised.
The novel is renowned for its pragmatic message of life itself. If excretes realism in the way it characterises life as a constant strain in which one must contend with numerous obstacles, like the protagonists, George and Lennie. The book identifies how men cling to the false hope of impossible dreams in as a source of comfort and security. However as the story progresses we soon learn that this is not the beat way to live your life.
Loneliness is a dominant theme in Of Mice and Men. Most of the characters are lonely and searching for someone who can serve as a companion or just as an audience. Discuss the examples of character loneliness, the efforts of the characters in search of companionship, and their varying degrees of success.
Of Mice and Men, with its highly restricted focus, is the first of Steinbeck's experiments with the novel-play form, which combines qualities of each genre. The novel thus needed few changes before appearing on Broadway. The story is essentially comprised of three acts of two chapters each. Each chapter or scene contains few descriptions of place, character, or action. Thus, the novel's strength lies in part in its limitations. Action is restricted usually to the bunkhouse. The span of time is limited to three days, sunset Thursday to
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