Of Filial Piety in Bible

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Of Filial Piety in Bible 【abstract】The idea of filial piety plays an important role in China and western countries. No matter Bible or Book of filial piety emphasis the significant thought and tell a lot of vivid examples. Although the conduct of filial piety has some differences in China and the western countries, the mental love and care to the parents is the same. Chinese nation has been an ethnic which pursues the filial piety. The idea of filial piety goes along with our five-thousand-year history. The ancient monarchs advocated fealty and many loyal officials came from the families which were famous for their filial piety. And a lot of classical theories glorify the ideas and practices of filial conduct. Of all the kindness, filial piety comes first is an old saying and it is still very popular among us in nowadays. And also, filial piety plays an important role in Bible and runs through all the religious doctrine. It influences the western people a lot. In Bible, respecting parents is placed at the head of human relations. It was come up with in the form of commandment by God. In the Ten Commandments, the first four commandments are about the relationship between human and God. And the rest six commandments are concerning to the relationships among human. The fifth commandment is Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee (Exodus, 20:12). It goes before other relations among human, like the relation with our neighbors or friends, showing its significance. And it is similar to we Chinese’s old saying. And most of the Ten Commandments are delivering the prohibitions while for this one, God promises those who perform the doctrine seriously the happy life. Therefore, in Ephesians, Apostle Paul said, “Honour thy father and thy mother; that thy good, long life, this is the first channel

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