Oedipus Rex Review

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Oedipus Rex is a play written by a Greek tragedy playwright Sophocles in 430 B.C. (Sophocles pg v). It is a story which transcends time and is still hold value when comparing common themes such as power and fate. In the world of Oedipus fate is a reoccurring theme which he cannot escape. In many ways the idea of fate is introduced by several characters in the play. The main characters all try circumvent their fate as described to them by several prophetic oracles, only to realize that the harder they struggle the more the prophecy comes true. This paper on ``Oedipus Rex`` by Sophocles will discuss the ways in which the concept of fate intertwines with Greek culture to produce a feeling of catharsis throughout the entire play by way of oracles and deities whom are seen as pillars of Greek culture and a significant influence of the choices they make in their daily lives. The three main themes: how fate is introduced to the narrative, the influence of Greek culture which drove Greek theatre, and how the build up of tension and subsequent release through catharsis forms, will describe how and why the actions of Oedipus were futile in the attempt to thwart his fate. The concept of fate is introduced several times with the introduction of the prophecy. Oedipus was born to King Lauis who was king of Thebes. Oedipus was rightly of noble lineage and a man who naturally obtained wisdom, and was born with leadership qualities fit to make a king one day. If one believes in fate they believe that they do not make their own decisions, that certain events or ever life itself is predetermined and no matter what they do to evade their fate it will never change the outcome, that person`s tragic flaw will help fulfill the prophecy. The way one learns their fate is determined by the belief system held in place by the culture and customs practiced. The story of Oedipus takes place in a
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