Oedipus Rex, Job and Everyman Historical Periods

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October 16th, 2012 The Contrast Between Issues and Historical Periods There are many works of literature, which date back to ancient historical periods that are seen as universal texts in today’s society. Oedipus Rex written by Sophocles, Everyman and Job are three examples which can be seen as universal texts. Job is a biblical text that dates back to ancient Israel, while Oedipus Rex is an example of Greek drama that dates back to ancient Greece. Everyman is a morality play that was written in the medieval catholic period. All texts come from ancient cultures that deal with issues that are rarely seen today. Job focuses on the idea of the patriarchal God, Oedipus Rex deals with pre-existing knowledge and Everyman uses concrete thinking, making it an allegory. These three literary works all have reoccurring issues which are representative of the historical periods in which they were written. The book of Job was thought to be written in approximately 600 BC. In the time period of ancient Israel, the patriarchal God was a common idea that many people lived by. The book of Job induced the common thought of the patriarchal God as it showed God as the primal authority over humanity. The people of this historical time period had a declaration of trust and hope with their Almighty. Job was a man in the biblical text that had great faith. Job had direct communication with God and he often exclaimed his faith, “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God” (19:25-26). In ancient Israel, God was seen as a physical being. Job thought that through his sufferings God would appear to him and be one with him. God the Almighty still exists in today’s day and age but there are many skeptics, non believers and atheists who disapprove of the thought of God and faith
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