Obama's Speech

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Name Response number:1 Obama Inaugural Speech Written by Barak Obama Text type: Speech Male No critical reputations Historical (first black president) Cultural (American) Name Response number:1 Obama Inaugural Speech Written by Barak Obama Text type: Speech Male No critical reputations Historical (first black president) Cultural (American) Paragraph One Barak Obama was inaugurated as the first black president of the United States of America on January 20th 2009. He delivered a speech which promised not a swift recovery from the crises of the country, but instead he emphasised the need for unity and a return to the time when people “worked till their hands were raw”. He urges the American people to move on from the “stale” issues of the past and to move forward as a united country that embraces its cultural heritage. He talks of overcoming the current economic crisis and re-building the relationship between Muslims and Christians whilst still emphasising his zero tolerance for terrorism. This does not have to be long. This does not have to be long. Obama’s speech is significant because……………… (here you will give the cultural context) * Discuss the financial crisis * Discuss the racism of the past and the significance of Obama being elected as president (have the American people moved on from their racist past?) * Discuss terrorism End with: This text clearly links to the theme of relationships because……………………………….. (two or three sentences). Paragraph Two and Three Each paragraph will deal with a different relationship that you have taken from the grid below. Describe in detail a key relationship that your text discusses. Include at least one quote and explain how the quote links to the theme. One key relationship that is present within Obama’s speech is…………………………………………………………. Relationship
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