Obama Speech Global Village

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Obama's speech Global village, is the term used to describe the world shrunk into a village by the means of the different media types, most especially the World Wide Web, making it easy to pass across messages (like the news), making the world become like a single village where people can easily contact each other quicker. President Obama delivered the speech “A New Beginning” in Cairo, Egypt to try and make peace between the Muslim world and the West. There are positive and negative aspects of 'Global Village' presented in the speech. The positive aspects of 'Global Village' presented in the speech are: transfer of knowledge from one country or community to another; e.g. Compass, algebra, online education. Another positive aspect is the world wide commerce afforded by the global village has enriched both producer nations and their world wide markets and also social interaction that is not confined by national borders. However, the negative aspects discussed in this speech were: Muslim extremists such as Al- Qaeda, loss of cultural identity I.e McDonaldisation of the world, third countries used as proxies in Global wars such as Afghanistan, culturally offensive material is given entry into societies which find it difficult to tolerate such materials like online porn and countries/ communities fear the loss of control and faith on their society. President Obama's speech is divided into a number of sections. He starts by urging greater mutual understanding between the United States and Islam. He then considers seven issues that have to be, in his view, confronted. These are violent extremism, the Israeli/Palestinian dispute, nuclear weapons (with a reference to Iran), democracy, religious freedom, rights of women and economic development. He finishes with a flourish about the future. The key phrase in the speech is 'a new beginning', with mutual
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