O'Murchu Values and a Mother Like Church

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O'Murchu Values and a Mother like Church The National Catholic Reporter is a newspaper that oversees news involving that Catholic Church. An article written in 2013, called “Pope Francis Celebrates the Church as a Loving Mamma”, covers a speech which Pope Francis gave at Vatican City. In this speech the Pope refers to the “church as a mother”. Meaning the church, like a mother, aids in individual growth; the church does this by teaching the word of God. He also compares the church to a mother in the sense that we try to cover up our mothers faults. When the church makes a mistake Catholics try and compensate for the mistake. The church was also acting like a parent when the sex scandal occurred by shielding its members from it. Pope Francis provided legitimate reasoning in his comparison of the church and mother, but there are also reasoning for why this comparison is not sufficient. Responder ATF45 comments on this report of the church as a mother. ATF45 notes that understanding the church as a mother is not good for the church or its members. I believe O’Murchu would support of the sentiments expressed in the response, because of the values of Dependence-Independence-Interdependence, Relationality, and Integration. According to O’Murchu there are three stages of an individual's religious life, Dependence, Independence, and Interdependence. Dependence is a person’s dependent on the authority and society. During this stage the individual may have the image of a ‘Sunday School God’, where the individual understands rule setter giving the person description of how to live. This primitive relationship with God is similar in comparison to a mother and her child. Although, Pope Francis feels that this is how the church should be perceived O’Murchu would think that it does not allow for growth to independence or interdependence. During the time of Independence the

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