Nvq3 Health and Social Care

1961 Words8 Pages
PROMOTE COMMUNICATION IN HEALTH, SOCIAL CARE AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S SETTINGS Outcome 1 - Be Able to Understand why Effectiveness of Communication is Important in the Work Setting. 1. Communication is essential in everyday living. Without communication we would not survive very well. We need to communicate to connect with each other, to exchange information, to express our feelings, to share knowledge and to show emotions. By communicating we are able to express what we need and want or we can refuse things that we don’t want in regard to our choice and preferences. The giving and receiving of instructions is important to let each other know what the other wants. Communication is vital in our care work, without it we would not know what to do or follow individual’s care plans for their specific care needs. It is also important in communication to understand and be understood. Without understanding there would be no point in communicating. Communication does not only involve talking, you can communicate by sign language; we can also use touch, facial expressions and body language. Other ways of communicating involves writing and electronic devices such as texting, telephones, fax machines and computers. 2. Good communication is a skill in it self to enable us work effectively with others. Creating positive relationships with service users can build a bond of trust; this means they are more likely to cooperate with what you want them to do. They like you and respect you which are the attitudes we need for the environment to run smoothly. Communication is also vital in teamwork to run a smooth ship. It is important to build a relationship with colleagues no matter how much you may dislike them. Information needs to be passed on between workers regarding service users or any changes in their care plan or any other issues that needs to be passed on,
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