Nvq Level 3

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Understand the Important of diversity, equality and inclusion 1.1 Explain what is meant by Diversity Equality Incusion Discrimination 1.2 Describe the potentinal effects of discrimination. 1.3 Explain the importance of inclusive practice in promoting equality and supporting diversity. Diversity - means difference, variety and recongnises that people have things in common with each other, they are also different and unique. Diversity is about recognising and valuing everyone’s culture, personality, age, race, sex, disability, gender, religion and beliefs. When it is used with equality it is about recongnising individual as well as group differences, treating people as indiviudals, and placing positive value on diversity. Equality - treating people in a way that is appropriate for their needs. Making sure people are treated fairly and given fair chances. Recognise their needs and that they are met in different ways. Inclusion - equal opportunities for everyone whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, to be included. Discrimination - is a preconceived attitude towards members of a particular group formed only upon the basis of their membership of that group that leads to less favourable or bad treatment of that person. Effects include isolation, possible exclusion, demoralisation, marginalisation, situations where self-esteem, confidence and resilience have the potential to be damaged. Forms of discrimination are gender, age, disability, sexuality, race, culture, religion ,poverty, education, personal features and English Is not first language. Discrimination against anyone regardless of their needs can make them feel isolated and different to other people. Pysical effects: headaches, poor appetite, a change in eating habits, sleeplessness, loss/gain of weight, deterioration of health, bruises, ulcers, lack of personal hygiene and lack of energy.
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