Nvq 2 H&Sc

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NVQ Level 2 Health and Social Care Unit HSC22 Support the Health and Safety of Yourself and Individuals 1. Explain the organisational procedures and practice for storing and using hazardous equipment. Knowledge specification 4e 7. 8. 11. Storing hazardous equipment Using hazardous equipment 2. Explain the organisational procedures and practice for storing and using hazardous substances. Knowledge specification 4e 7. 8. 11. Storing hazardous substances Hazardous substances need to be stored in a locked storage area Using hazardous substances Whilst using hazardous equipment you must wear PPE (personal protective equipment) ensure you use the equipment to guidelines. Also ensure equipment is returned to where it is stored after use. 3. Explain the reasons for carrying out risk assessments Knowledge specification 4b Risk assessments are carried out to identify hazards and the calculation of a risk and the reduction of that risk, either completely or to an acceptable level. 4. Explain the reasons for and the procedure to follow when recording and reporting accidents or incidents. Knowledge specification 4a Reasons for reporting and recording. We report and record incidents and accidents as it is a legal requirement to report all incidents. Incident and accident reports are also useful to help avoid future incidents. Procedure to follow Always record facts and not opinion. 5. Explain the procedures and practices for keeping yourself and others safe at work Knowledge specification 4c 4d to take reasonable care for the health and safety of myself and of any other person who may be affected by my acts at work. And to complete all my duties to standard. 6. Explain your role and
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