Nvq 2 Err Unit

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ERR QUESTIONS 201 Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children and young people’s settings | | 201.1 | Know the statutory responsibilities and rights of employees and employers within own area of work Assessment Criteria | 1. | List the aspects of employment covered by lawMinimum wage, Hours worked, Discrimination, Health and safety, Holiday entitlements, Redundancy and dismissal, Training, Disciplinary procedures, Union rights and consultation, among many others. Labour law covers the deal between employee and employer. Health and safety laws cover the work conditions, and minimum wage and other laws set basic compensation levels. We also have the Disability Act, Manual Handling Operations and Regulations, Data Protection Act, The Medicine Act, General Social Care Council code 2001, RIDDOR 1995 and more. | 2. | List the main features of current employment legislation the spectrum of employment law in the UK covers three main areas. Employment Rights, Equalities and Discrimination law... and Health and safety legislation. Although Equalities and Health and safety have meaning in other areas of life... both bodies of law feature measures relating to employment to a significant degree. | 3. | Outline why legislation relating to employment existsTo regulate the relationship between employers and their employees, to establish minimum standards and equality of treatment for all workers. to protect all workers, employers. | 4. | Identify sources and types of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and rightsTalking to people – manager, head office or human resources.Internet – ditrectgov.uk Leaflets – available from the internet From all of the above I can get information on different things relating to my job or more e.g national minimum wage, what I can do if I feel I have be
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