Nursing as a Calling of God

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Our Calling: Loving God in Nursing (Part 1) The article “Our Calling: Loving God in Nursing (Part 1) was written be Carrie M. Dameron, MSN, RNBC. Carrie M. Dameron wrote this article alone but credit s two references she used while writing the article. Carrie is an advanced certified medical-surgical nurse and assistant professor of nursing at Ohlone College in Freemont, CA. She also serves as an on call nurse for an acute care hospital in Oakland, CA. One of the distinctions of Christian nursing is our purpose. We see our work and career as a calling or ministry. Mary Elizabeth O'Brien, an expert in Christian nursing, states, "We are doubly blessed in that both the First Testament, as well as the gospel message of Jesus, emphasize the importance of each individual's personal call to care for those in need of health and healing" (2006, p. 77). Most Christian nurses readily recognize our personal calling. The primary question is how do we respond? One way we can respond is by loving God. Jesus reminded the First century audience (and us today), of the most important command: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind" (Luke 10:27, NIV). Completely loving God in nursing with all our being becomes the basis of our calling. What does it mean to love God with "heart, soul, mind, and strength"?

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