“Nude Woman Wearing Meat Packer’s Gloves”

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“Nude Woman Wearing Meat Packer’s Gloves” The Photo Book Artistic Criticism In the photo titled “Nude Woman Wearing Meat Packer’s Gloves” by Paul Outerbridge there is a naked woman sitting with excellent posture and she has meat packing gloves pressed against her body in ways to show her natural curves (Jeffrey, The Photo Book, 2000). After viewing this photograph I could not seem to get it out of my head. One of the first things I noticed was the cropping. The model’s face and slightly more of both arms were cropped, to this disturbing image of a woman piercing her own breast and abdomen with the sharp tips of meat packer's gloves. The second thing I thought was the artist captured the hard versus soft element of the theme. The lighting in the picture uses a combination of hard light and soft light. The soft light falls on the subject comes from multiple sources, from multiple directions or from a single, very large light source quite close to the subject. It does not cast deep shadows, and where it does, it has a soft edge, rather than an abrupt transition from dark to light. Then he uses the hard light to create hard edged shadow that will highlight the texture and form of the gloves mainly the glove on the left. This is a hard task to accomplish so I do believe Outerbridge cropped multiple photos together. Outerbridge creates full-color realism of the nude woman with an airbrush effect and shocks viewers. It creates some sort of outrage in the mind, but is that not what a photographer wants? This image is important because it shows how naturally beautiful woman are, but at the same time degrades them through the use of powerful claws almost manipulating the woman. The meat packing gloves show more than just the curves of woman, they show that women are not just pieces of meat. In society, woman are sexual beings used to reproduce and nurture

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