Nt1210 Unit 1 Exercise 1 Essay

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| NT1210 Exercise 1.5 | Exercise 1.5 and Review | | Raju Kapoor | 9/30/2014 | | Exercise 1.5.1 Exercise 1.5.2 Open the Classes folder you created and move the myname. txt file to the Networking folder. What has happened to the OS reference to the location of the file myname. txt? What has happened to the physical storage location of myname. txt in memory? The OS Reference is looking for it on the C: Classes folder. The memory is thinking its on the c:\classes folder but now if you open the .txt file wihing the networking folder then the memory will work good for that file. Unless moved again. Exercise 1.5.3 Inside the Networking folder, create a new set of folders for your labs and assignments. You should add at least five subfolders. Diagram the hierarchy that now exists from the root Classes folder.…show more content…
Use the web to identify issues that disk fragmentation can cause for computer performance. Will changing your file structure affect the fragmentation of the disk? Justify your answer. Some issue that can occur from Disk Fragmentation are slow boot up times, Slow backup times a slowdown in Read and Write for files, and the system can just slow down. Change the file structure will not affect the fragmentation. The computer will store the files in the Same location Review

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