Non-Verbal Violation Experience

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Topic 2 Project- The Nonverbal Violation Experiment 1.The nonverbal communication variable that I selected is eye contact. I selected this variable because I believe that it is one of the most important one of all. I have always been taught to look at someone in the eyes when speaking to someone. “Eye contact is extremely important in the U.S, culture, as well as in many other cultures around the world.” (Beebe, 98) 2. Eye contact is defined by making visual contact with another person’s eyes. “Americans, in particular, make all kinds of judgments about others- particularly about their trustworthiness and sincerity- on the basis of whether they make or avoid eye contact.” (Beebe, 98) When someone is involved in another person’s conversations, it is very important to make eye contact. By making eye contact you are deliver the nonverbal message of being interested or placing high importance in the conversation. It shows that you are listening. “Research shows that eye contact plays a significant role in judgments of a public speaker’s credibility.” (Beebe, 99) 3. I will plan 3 identical instances of violation of eye contact. I will start a conversation with 3 people: my husband, my mother and my co-worker, and I will not make eye contact after the conversation is initiated. I will make the topic of our conversation about dropping out of school until after the baby is born. I will not make eye contact and I will be physically distant. I will stare at the ground and have worried and bothered facial expression. I will try to have the conversation for about three minutes and state that my reasons for dropping out are because of my pregnancy and saving as much money as possible. I will tell them that nothing else is more important and that I have made my mind. 4. My predictions about expected responses to the nonverbal expectancy violation vary a little. I

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