Non Conventional Energy Sources as Future Energy Sources

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We have been hearing about non conventional sources energy for a very long time, but in our daily life how much do we actually use or come across any average person who uses non conventional sources of energy? What comes to mind when one thinks of non conventional sources of energy? Most of us will think about solar energy, wind energy, Hydel power, geothermal energy, nuclear power, biomass energy and few other commonly known types of energy. Non conventional energy resource is a resource that is unlimited, environmental friendly and of course renewable. It is abundantly found in nature. For example, sunlight and wind cannot get over that early no matter how much ever one utilises them. This form of energy is available to mankind very easily. There is hardly any difficulty in extracting the solar and the wind energy. There might be considerable amount of construction required for tidal power station, hydel power plant or nuclear power plant. But one does not face as many adversities as one faces in the mining industries. One very important factor is environment. I am sure many of the people these days are very much aware about the crucial situation our planet is in. Over exploitation of the resources in the recent past have lead to the depletion of these resources. The pollutants have caused an undesirable effect on living things and properties. The conventional source of energy is the energy produced by non renewable resources. These resources are found in earth’s crust. These resources where made when the remains of dead animals and plants where buried in soil, which lead to a change in temperature and pressure resulting in decomposition of the living organism which lead to the formation of these resources or as we call them fossil fuels. This type of energy source includes coal, petroleum and natural gas among various others. Almost all that we use in our

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