Noise at Work

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Noise at work Introduction Hearing is a blessing and priceless. It enables you to communicate with others for instance you communicate with your colleagues at work, your friends and family. Noise is a hazard. It can cause health and safety problems e.g. hear loss Tinnitus (ringing, whistling, humming and buzzing) a can also lead to disturbed sleep, also stress. At workplace such as aircraft hangars, workshops, airport towers, noise is a clear hazard because: It might interfere with communication. It might make the warnings unheard. We should be protected from exposure to high levels of noise, so wearing hearing protectors or ear protectors can be useful. Note: wearing this gear when not needed can create problems too because it might interfere with safe communications. ------------------------------------------------- Ear Ear has three main parts: 1- The outer ear which is the part that we can see. It opens into the ear tunnel 2- The eardrum which separates the ear tunnel from the middle ear. 3- The middle ear bones help to send the sounds to the inner ear. 4- ------------------------------------------------- The inner ear which contains the hearing nerves (auditory nerve) which leads to the brain. How the ear works: 1- Source of the sound sends waves through the air 2- The waves go inside the tunnel and hit the drum causing it to vibrate 3- The vibrations are passed to the small bones of the middle ear 4- In the inner ear these vibrations are transmitted to the hearing nerves. 5- ------------------------------------------------- The vibrations become nerve signals and go to the brain where they are interpreted as sounds (cars, music, etc.) Risk factors: How much noise is too much? Do you have to raise your voice to have a normal conversation over a distance of less than 2 meters for at

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