“No Society Can Afford to Leave Behind a Segment of Its Population for Society Has Everything to Win, When Everyone Feels They Are Included!”

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Diversity Assignment Diversity Assignment Zarmina Ahmed “No society can afford to leave behind a segment of its population for society has everything to win, when everyone feels they are included!” “A good school is one that develops each child according to his strengths. A good organization makes individual strengths productive and weaknesses redundant. A good society harnesses the diverse strengths of each individual to enable each to be more than he can ever be alone; and at the same time protects the weak and vulnerable” - Judy H. Katz (2008),The Inclusion Breakthrough: Unleashing the Real Power of Diversity. This highlights the true meaning of society; which is to unite and make individual stronger and allows them to achieve together something bigger than what they could not have achieved alone. Diversity of our society is not a weakness but it is our greatest strength. Let us embrace diversity rather than being afraid of it, we must protect it and encourage it. We as being part of the European, stable and dominant society should be known to be people with abundance mentality—an abundance of thinking not just of the self, but of others; an abundance of helping others succeed; an abundance of kindness and giving, and an abundance of gratitude. In this way, we can value the individual, affirm his worth, as well as value the collective and build a cohesive society. The more gracious, kind and giving our society is, the greater our sense of joy and well-being. There is something in the spirit of man which derives its greatest pleasure by contributing to the lives of others. For example teachers what makes teachers so special—the further in life their students get to, the greater is the evidence of their own success and their sense of joy we must not treat those we help as helpless beneficiaries, but to look to what they can

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