No Man Is an Island

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Every human being needs other human being to survive and get through obstacles and challenges in life.We could hardly live as happy as we are if we have no other people to support us in our lives.We all need family,friends,teachers or mentors to guide,love and cheer us up during the ups and downs in life.No one could live all by himself or herself as life is not a bed of roses.In another words,no one could live as lonely as an island.I entirely agree with the proverb which stated that 'No Man Is An Island' by John Donne. As we have mentioned earlier,family members played the most important rule in our lives.That is because family members are always there for us from the moment we have born into this world and the day we died or passed away.Parents are the ones who love us the most and stay closest to us.They sacrifice almost everything to bring us up.For example,they give us sufficient foods,clothes,educations,undivided loves and so on.They support us financially,physically and mentally without asking for their children to pay in return.At the meantime,they sacrifice their precious times and energy on raising us to become an useful person.Furthermore,parents are the first persons who inculcated the moral values and religion beliefs that make us a fully human being.When we have done something that is sinful or incorrect,parents would guide and rectify our mistakes by setting the positive examples as action speaks louder than words.Moreover,our siblings influence our lives as well.Siblings are the ones who are at the similar or slightly elder or younger than we are.At homes,we spent most of our times talking,playing and even arguing with our siblings since we were young.When our parents get older and ill one day,then it is our responsibility to look after them well and live harmonically with our siblings.It proves that we could not live without the presence of
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