No Books! No Future

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No Book! No Future! Think about it. If there were no more books, and everything was either online or stored on a digital file somewhere, it would require power to be accessed. Should there be no power source, for whatever reason, you would not be able to access the data. This would results in nations without books having lack of education, no reference for advance technology, and could possibly start wars over the remaining literature. Books are very important in everyday life because they are a primary source of information which gives a historic or present insight into the period in which it was produced. By nations having a shortage of books or even to have no books it affects education in so many ways, the children today are struggling enough as it is. Schools are in need of many supplies, books being the most needed, without books the education will suffer tremendously; however, many countries are trying to compete to see who has supremacy in the educational system but the ones that are poor really have no chance so not being able to have books really effects that specific nation present and future as well. Also the technological advances will also depend on that nation education. Books have the ability to transform an interior and a life in a way that recent technological advancements just cannot do, but In today’s technological society, many believe, especially technology specialists, that the printed book will eventually be replaced. Technology as we see it today is part of the everyday, so replacing books with electronic books it's not a smart thing to do, this is base upon that power sources cannot be trusted if we lose important books it can affect us in losing knowledge of our history. Technological advances will also stop because the first technology came from books that people thought could only be done in
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