"No Angel" Analysis

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A ”No Angel” Grief is an emotional reaction when you loose something or someone. The reaction is due to the impact that the lost one had on your life. If a person has had a big impact on your life, it may be harder and you might be more vulnerable about the situation. In comparison, if the person had little to no impact on your life, it might be easier to over come. There are many ways to deal with sorrow and sadness and we all have our own way to overcome the loss of someone. Most people want to both remember them, but also move on with their life. It can be hard dealing with both, because one makes it difficult for the other to complete. In this short story, written by Bernie McGill, we follow the main character that has lost her father. We follow her way of overcoming the pain and mourning that she is dealing with after loosing a loved one. The main theme in the story is grief and sorrow and how people handle it differently. We experience the main characters way of dealing with her sorrows and we also get to know her thoughts throughout the events in the story. The main character in the story is a girl named Annie. Her name is not directly given from the start but throughout the story we hear her father call her Annie. We therefore assume that Annie is her name. A first person narrator, who is Annie, tells the story. The story is told by one character at a time and the narrator refers to herself using words as “I” and “we”. This allows the reader to see the point of view from only one narrator. We follow her experiences from her view and from no other characters through the entire story. Talking about the composition of the story, it basically only consists of flashbacks: “In one of the bad times, around Hallowe’en, a month or two before Robbie was killed …” (line 103). Due to the flashing forward, we jump in time in the story to
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