Nintendo Case Study Report

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Robin DECROOCQ Instructor: Ali FARHOOMAND HKU number: 3035025360 Creativity and Business Innovation Case 3: Nintendo: Disruptor Being Disrupted Submission Date: Monday 15th October Executive summary For years Nintendo has been one of the big players of the video games industry, not to say its innovative leader. However, if they have disrupted the market time and again with their always-innovative game consoles, it is now their turn to be disrupted. The disruption does not come from its competitors but from the mobile gaming market, which seems to have settled in the video games industry for the long haul. As a result, Nintendo now has two new competitors: Apple and Google. Even though they aren’t direct rivals for Nintendo (yet), competition was already strong without these giants in the equation. Indeed, Nintendo also has to face Sony and Microsoft, and to make things worse, it seems that the threat of mobile gaming should be easier on them as their machines are more powerful than Nintendo’s, and thus attractive enough to keep hardcore gamers from leaving them for the smartphone gaming market. On the other hand, Nintendo’s strategy has never been to develop advanced hardware but to be user friendly and to creatively use “not-so-powerful” hardware to attract non-gamers. How can Nintendo win back these casual gamers who only seem to want easy video games to kill time and share on their favorite social networks, on which Nintendo is absent? Three main options seem to arise: 1. Play Nintendo’s strength and make another innovative breakthrough. Nintendo could find an innovative idea and develop a new game console to disrupt the market once again, as they always have according to their core competence. They should develop something unique, something that smartphones cannot offer. Nintendo also cannot ignore the change in consumer

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