New Car Adventure

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This is the tale of my new car adventure which caused me to have a wide range of emotions. It began in January when my father surprised me with an offer to help me buy a new car. This was welcome news as I had been sharing a car with my mom, and it was quite inconvenient for us both. Sadly, after we got to the dealership we found that the car I wanted was not something my budget would accommodate. The dealer was anxious to sell a car, so he mentioned that he did have a car that fit my budget, but the only potential problem was that it was a stick shift, but I really wanted this car. My father said it was the right car for the right price and that after a quick refresher course I would be fine. Keep in mind I hadn’t driven a stick shift in 40 years. After the quick refresher I was set free to find my way home in my new car. I mentally prepared myself for the long drive home. However, I quickly discovered I can’t accelerate from a dead stop in third gear! I stalled the car not once or twice but three times! The drivers behind me were becoming quite impatient and expressive of their exasperation. Needless to say I became unglued. I pulled over to collect myself and let the impatient drivers go around me. Having calmed and recovered from my embarrassment, I was on my way and got onto the freeway without further difficulty. It was then that the excitement washed over me, as I realized that this was my brand new car, and Dad was right about it being like riding a bicycle. Those long-forgotten skills came back so quickly, so by the time I got home, I was in love with my new car and quite proud of myself for how well I’d adjusted. It was liberating to know that you are never too old to re-learn, and the excitement of that day will stay with me for a long

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