Nestle Organisational Structure

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MPO OUTCOME2 1. Process theory and content theory 1.1 Maslow's hierarchy of needs • Intrinsic rewards GE think highly of staff's value, work challenging, their sense of responsibility, accomplishment and honor, the company do a lot to improve the spiritual motivation. • Extrinsic rewards GE offer staff certain salary welfare funds and promotion opportunity by assessing their job performance, similar material incentive. Like authorized management, GE let employees play the leading role to dig out the sense of accomplishment that can motive the inner power of employees. They make every staff there have desire to do the job, let employees have the right to say, they will be more willing to take business risks like company's owners. GE believe in people-oriented , attaches great importance to the introduction of talents, cultivation and management. Like other multinational companies, they actively using their superior conditions to recruit talents. However, for these recruited talents, GE is not simply emphasize their role, but to constantly training, make them initiative to study new things, seek new ideas, and constantly learn to achieve their dreams. Encourage competition, improve the individual ability to constrain. According to Maslow's demand theory, everyone has the need to be recognized and self-fulfillment and it will contribute to competition by classifying staff level. Give excellent staff affirmation and reward will strengthen the employees' loyalty and commitment, at the same time for the backward staff, each people are not willing to "the worst of 10%", the challenge is to: trying to do better than original or choose to leave, so it is effective to improve individual binding. 1.2 Vroom’s expectancy theory • Instrumentality GE attaches great importance to the employees and partners the cultivation of the conception of good faith. The

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