Nestle Kill Babies

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Today, children’s nutrition is always a matter of attracting the attention of everyone. So everybody say that: “ Nestle kill babies or has Nestle been unfairly criticized”. My perspective on this debate, I think that “ Nestle kill babies”. Because the problem arise when Nestle just only interested in profit, without regard to the health of the customer. Firstly, I agree with the above statement because Nestle violate the right to be informed to consumer and the right of safety. The right of safety to be protected against the marketing of goods that are hazardous to health or life International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) also allege that Nestle use “ humanitarian aid” to create markets does not label its products in a language appropriate to the countries where they sold, they are unable to read the necessary instructions and in the bottle of mike, their use available only by English and offer gifts and sponsorship to influence health workers to promote its products. Secondly, about the formula, Artificial milk can harm babies because it does not contain the natural antibodies which a mother's milk provides. In the poor countries high levels of illiteracy can mean that mothers are unable to read the necessary instructions, and poor sanitation can lead to babies being accidentally fed formula mixed with contaminated water. Similarly, many poor mothers use less formula powder than is necessary, in order to make a container of formula last longer which causes malnutrition. Others issues, A WHO International Code governing the marketing of artificial baby milk says breastfeeding should be promoted above all other products and that leaflets and labels relating to breast milk substitutes should do nothing to undermine this. Nestlé have been accused of flouting the rules with advertising, free samples ,free supplies to hospitals and clinics, advertisements
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