Neologism Essay

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Neologism a s a Linguistic Phenomenon in Mass Media Textbook w ith Reference to Translation by Ahmed Hasani Yasin Muhammid Ali Mustafa Department of Translation Translation College of Arts Tikrit University University Ibrahem Department of College of Arts Tikrit Tahseen Ameen Faysal Department of Translation College of Arts Tikrit University Abst ra c t The terminology of international development is constantly evolving as new socioeconomic concepts emerge. These new concepts have no equivalences in languages other than that in which they first occur. This paper tackles neologisms, and their translations, which have been found in the English textbook intended for the students of Mass Media Departments at some Iraqi universities and which have no Arabic equivalences. The students of Mass media face difficulties in understanding and translating the neologisms within their English textbook and during practicing their profession as journalists. This paper tries to point out the difficulties and find some appropriate solutions for the problem in question. Definitions are given to the concept of neologism. The types of neologisms and their versions in addition to selecting and creating new words are mentioned. A total survey has been made to the textbook in order to collect these neologisms. These new expressions have been checked up in websites and some encyclopedias to identify their exact meanings. The definitions of these neologisms are translated into Arabic to derive the new coinage from these definitions. Then, the suggested expressions are given to these new words. Finally, some points are drawn to state the conclusions of the current paper. 1. T he Conc e pt of N e ologism Neologisms are defined as "newly coined lexical units or existing lexical units that acquire a new sense" (Newmark 1988: 140). He points out the types of neologisms :

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