Neolithic Revolution as the Basis for the Modern Man

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Neolithic means “New Stone” and this forms part of the Later Stone Age. The word Neolithic is driven from the Greek words Neos which means ‘new’ and lithos meaning ‘stone’ . Though others regard Neolithic Revolution as basically an Agricultural Revolution as man moved from predominantly food gathering economy to a period when man started to grow their own crops and also started domesticating wild animals. This was done as man wanted to increase his chances of survival hence man started controlling the environment so that it provides them with readily available and abundant food supply to meet their needs. The revolution process is counted both on its positive and negative contribution to the modern man hence this essay argues that Neolithic Revolution is the basis of the modern man. The behavior of people started to change as they started to come together into an organized settlement. This came about as they wanted to manage their crops and manage their domesticated animals hence the desire to remain and live close to their gardens. It also helped people to start feeling secured from wild predator and human adversary. Due to the food which was available as they were able to harvest enough, communities were established through families and also tribes leading to the change of traditional economy of the community. Traces of cultivated plants were found in sun dried bricks of the houses of the earliest cultivators . This signifies that the modern man’s organized settlement was influenced from the Neolithic revolution as well as agricultural practices. Though the issue of settlement is a positive development, it also brought challenges as ownership of land started to be monopolized for the sake of personal use. In the modern day, it has gone beyond personal use but rather business for profit and prestige. The organized settlements lead to the increase in population

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