Neo of the Motion Picture "Matrix" - Is He a Jesus Like Redeemer Figure ? a Comparative Approach

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Index of contents: I.I What is a redeemer? Page 4 I.II Preface Page 5 II.I Summary of the Gospels Page 6 II.II Is Jesus really a redeemer? Page 7 III.I The Matrix – a short summary Page 10 III.II Neo the redeemer – Yes or No ? Page 12 IV The final comparative approach Page 13 V Final and short conclusion Page 15 VI Own opinion Page 15 Bibliography Affirmation of the independent autorship of the work Enclosed you will find a CD with appendices ! I.I What is a redeemer? First I would like to give you my essay´s key issue´s definition, the definition of "redeemer". A redeemer brings redemption: - the action of redeeming or of being redeemed - a thing that saves someone from error or evil 1 He redeems: - saves from sin, error, or evil. - fulfils (a pledge or promise). - re-pays (a stock, bond, etc.) or clear (a debt) 2 And a redeemer is simple: - a person who redeems someone or something - (the Redeemer) Christ.3 According to these definitions, a redeemer is a certain person, who rescues other persons or things from sin, evil, pressure or force. No matter if these bad -doings- are physical or mental. And irrelevant whether he uses force or not. The most prevalent redeemers are mentioned in religious literature. For example the Christian religion, which beliefs is primarily expressed in the New Testament in the Bible, mentions "Jesus" as their redeemer: “... the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very, eager to do what is good.” [Tit 2:13-14] Whereas the Jewish folk, who believe in the Old Testament of the Bible, the Torah, seeks redemption directly by God, who saves his people from evil by promising them salvation: "Rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is

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