Negative Effects of Social Networking

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Negative effects of social networking Most of everything we do today involves using the Internet. Technology has left us with the chance to meet people in a much easier method. A friend is now finger clicks away, without even having to leave the house. Technology has made letters and phones articles of the past. Social networking sites are becoming a lifeline for people; almost everyone is using this platform and this also includes celebrities and businessmen. Many people wake up and first check their Facebook and Twitter accounts instead of reaching for a newspaper. Technology is slowly taking over people's lives and beginning to affect their personal relationships in negative and positive ways. Social networking is changing the way the world lives. It is changing the way businesses grow and how information is gathered. Social bonds are forming between people thousands of miles apart who otherwise would have never met. All this is happening because of social networking giants like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Unfortunately, social networking has a dark side that is filled with health issues, privacy concerns, pedophiles, stalkers and abusers. Social networking is a popular form of communicating with friends around the corner and around the world. It has become one of the top forms of communication even above the phone. With the benefit of global communication, however, come risks and negative impacts. As with every new kind of communication or media services, the exact effect it has on an individual’s health has yet to be assessed scientifically, but many researchers are already warning people of eventual health risks resulting from social networking. . The less a person moves the more weight that person is likely to gain, and few calories are being burned while sitting in front of a computer. Computer monitors have been proven to cause eye strain, leading
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