Negative Effects Of Social Media Essay

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Anyone who uses a social network can easily tell you that they spend a long period of time on it. They can spend a majority of their day solely on Facebook and that brings the question. What kind of effect does social media have on a user and society? Social media has a harmful impact in our societies and people. Social networks can be an unsafe environment for teens, it can be oddly distracting, and it can determine a person's fate. The three reasons I provided can apply to my life in social media. Facebook has a massive user population and most of those citizens can be unpredictable in their actions. One day I was looking through my Snapchat stories around midnight. A situation happened between a boy and a girl and this girl was getting a…show more content…
Everyone and anyone who has Messenger can tell you that they at least check it every day for more than two hours. That time can never be undone and is wasted in someone's life. I use Snapchat every day for more than two hours and it does effect you. I wish I can get back the time that I wasted scrolling down my feed in Facebook, and the time wasted watching amazing YouTube videos. One day on a cold Friday afternoon I remember walking home after school with my white shoes after a long, horrible, fatigued day. Before leaving the school property, I decided to listen to music for the cold journey home. My phone blew up with notifications, since I had my phone turned off. Finally, when I arrived home I laid on the couch blasting music in the living room. I spent all day on Facebook watching funny clips of old movies and shows without realizing I had homework to catch up on. When my eyes were too heavy to keep them up I went to sleep only to realize that I had a massive pile of homework to do and I did the only thing possible. I would wait until the morning to do it after looking and scrolling down my Facebook feed. I have spent the majority of my life on Myspace. Will you let social media have an effect on
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