Negative Effects of Facebook

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Running Head: Negative effects of using Facebook 1 Negative effects of using Facebook Lester Gonzalez Everest College Running Head: Negative effects of using Facebook 2 Do you remember when Facebook first came out? Likely you were still using MySpace at the time and all your friends were pressuring you to make a Facebook account. Well it seems that making a Facebook account was a right choice, according to society if you don’t have a Facebook account you are different and you do not fit in. Facebook has positives like keeping in contact with friends and looking at funny post, but have you noticed the negative effects Facebook have on people like depression, jealousy, and embarrassment? Over five hundred million people are logging into Facebook at any giving moment according to Kissmetrics a statistics website. Facebook is accessible over many devices too like notebooks, tablets, cellphones, and even smart watches. So many people across the world log many hours onto Facebook, and most of these users get negative effects from Facebook. A little study titled “Seeing Everyone Else’s Highlight Reels: How Facebook Usage is Linked to Depressive Symptoms” have shown that Facebook has negative psychological effects on young adults. It is common to feel down or sad once in a while and the ill feeling usually passes with a day or so. When you have depression on the other hand it interferes with daily life and causes pain for both you and those who care about you, it is a much more serous philological effect. Facebook often triggers depression in teens and young adults. Facebook allows you to compare your life to others and this is one the major way Facebook causes depression. Now don’t get me wrong Facebook is a great invention if used properly and moderately. But how many times have you seen a fight over something so frivolous on
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