Negative Effects of Children in Foster Care

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Laura Myers Psyc October 11, 2012 Negative Effects Of Children in Foster Care at the Infant Stage of Life The negative effects on children that are placed in foster care at the infant stage of life can be the result of many actions by the foster parent and the caseworker, as well as how much visitation the children have with their nature parent. Over the years many studies have been conducted in this area of children affected by foster care placement. These studies showed that there are a few negative effects on children placed in foster care at the infant stage of life. Among these are emotional problems, bonding issues, and identity issues with themselves and parental figures. Although doctors, counselors, and foster care workers try their hardest to protect the children placed in foster care, the damage can and still does occur. After this occurs, the best plan of actions is to treat the child to correct the damage so the child can live a normal emotional life. According to the Society of Child Development, Inc, children at the infant stage of life need to form an emotional bond with a caregiver. That is normally the biological mother. Infants in biologically organize their attachment behaviors around the availability of their caregivers. When infants find caregivers to be available in times of need, they tend to develop expectations that caregivers will be there in the future of times needed in the future. Behaviorally, these infants then seek out the comfort they need (Sroufe, 1989) from caregivers with confident expectations that they will be soothed. Such infants are categorized as having secure attachments to caregivers. When caregivers are not responsive to infants’ needs or there are many different caregivers in an infants’ life, infants can develop an insecurity to bond because they cannot identify who the main caregiver is supposed
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