Necessary Computer Skills For Journalism

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Necessary Computer Skills for Journalism The types of computer skills needed for journalism differ depending on the area of journalism. Almost all of the areas require you to know how to research information, gather it and present it in an accurate, clear and entertaining way. This probably requires you to know how to use word processors. A general assignment reporter will want to have at a minimum basic internet search skills and the ability to use a word processor. Excel might be useful if you are writing for a financial publication or are an investigative reporter and need to crunch a lot of numbers, say for a story about employee pensions or Census data, but likely not something you'd use often. Word is probably the most used word processor by journalists. They enable journalists to write documents and reports and share them with others. Page designers or someone who makes informational graphics definitely have to learn Photoshop, and QuarkXpress or InDesign. Most publications use at least one or all of these programs. Illustrator is also a must for graphics work. Journalism is mostly research. Therefore journalists must also be able to know how to research different topics on different search engines such as Bing and Google. This includes finding accurate information from a reliable and being able to site your sources. Journalists might also want to know how to use pictures in their reports/documents. He/she must be able to find a picture that is relevant to the topic and know how to incorporate it into the information in an attractive and eye-catching way. This also requires you to present your sites. In the end, of all these things need to be presented to the public. Therefore the journalists must also be able to know how to be able to present the information in a variety of ways. This includes presenting it on another monitor, by projector and just by
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