Ncfe Psychology Assignment One

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Psychology Assignment One Task 1 – Define the study of Psychology Psychology is a scientific discipline and is the study of the mind and mental processes, especially in relation to behaviour. Psychologists observe and record how people and other animals relate to one another and to the environment around them. They look to identify patterns that will help them understand and predict behaviour, and they use scientific methods to test their ideas. There are a number of fields of psychology which include: • Clinical psychology, which is concerned with diagnosing and treating disorders of the brain, emotional disturbances, and behaviour problems. • Child psychology, which is the study of the mental and emotional development of children and is part of developmental psychology, the study of changes in behaviour that occur through the life span. • Cognitive psychology, which deals with how the human mind receives and interprets impressions and ideas. • Social psychology, which looks at how the actions of others influence the behaviour of an individual. Task 2 – Explain the relationship between Psychology and other social sciences (consider sociology, psychiatry and psychotherapy). There are quite significant differences between psychology, sociology, psychiatry and psychotherapy roles and they tend to deal with different types of problems, however there is considerable overlap in their work. The study of psychology and sociology are inextricably bound. Psychology is the study of the mind and its relation to behaviour. Sociology is the study of society, and society as a group of interdependent people. Psychology and sociology are related by their focus on people and behaviour. The study of psychology and psychiatry are both interested in human behaviour, particularly aspects of mental illness and they often work together in treating
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