Nazi Party Weak

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How accurate is it to describe the Nazi party as weak before 1929? To an extent many historians saw The Nazis as weak before 1929. In some cases it could be argued the Nazis were weak for a number of reasons. The lack of votes in the electoral could sum to their weakness overall despite continuous efforts. SIngnificantly the To an extent the Nazi party was seen as weak. This was due to the limitation of the party in its earlier years. The Nazi grew out of a small right-wing party which Hitler took over after 1919. At first the NSDPA has no programme, no headquarters and no organisational structure. This clearly presents pre 1929 the Nazi party was not sufficient enough, as a foundation for the party was non-existent. Compared to other groups in Germany at the time, the SPD gained 26% in the December 1924 election, compared to, the Nazi which gained just 3%. This was mainly due to the lack of organisational structure, where the SPD geographical distribution and social structure was organised the Nazis were complete differing, this was shown in the 1924 electoral. Due to lack of organisation it could be argued to say the Nazis were weak before 1929. Historian use the failure of the putsch to prove Nazi party as weak before 1929. This was the infamous Munich Putsch which took place on 24th February 1924. Hitler had over grossly estimated the level of public support for the putsch despite issues faced by the Weimar republic at the time, clearly the German people were in desperate need for a new stable government and leader, however when the Nazi party presented itself to the people it did not receive much followers which questions did the German people see the Nazis weak. The putsch failed, mainly due to the lack of planning. Without taking into account of the failure of the Putsch, if the Nazis failed to organise the Putsch to begin with clearly
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