Nature Vs. Nurture

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Nature vs. Nurture is a widely debated topic in the field of psychology. The nature vs. nurture issue has to do with whether biology shapes who we are or environment. Biology is the nature side and environment is the nurture side. There are many psychologists who agree with one of the sides over the other while some psychologists believe that both have an influence on the type of person we will become. However, most contemporary psychologists feel both have an effect on us. Have you ever wondered if you fear something because it is natural for humans to fear it or do you fear it because society has taught you that you should fear it? Have you ever wondered why you may have the same attitude as a family member, is it because of genetics or the fact that you have grown up with this person in your life? Many questions like these have forced us to wonder what the real cause of all of this is. Nature Nature, this is the biology of the person, the genetics. We inherit many traits from relatives such as hair color, eye color, height, etc. These are traits that usually cannot be changed naturally. They are a part of our genes that are encoded on our chromosomes. It is a known fact that all of this stems from biology, there is no doubt about that. What the real questions is, when it comes to nature, is whether or not more abstract traits such as behavior, temperament, fear, personality, etc. come from our genes as well. Twin/Adoption Studies Twin/Adoption studies are often performed to test the nature vs. nurture issue. What a twin/adoption study, in this case, refers to is when two identical twins are separated at birth, both are living in two different parts of the world and being raised by two different families (both non-biological). Results, sometimes even shocking ones, are found when the twins eventually reuinte and discuss their lives. What is often

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