Natural Disasters, Acts of God

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Natural disasters happen all the time, with no explanation. They just happen all over the world, and no one knows why. The only answer is that they must be acts of God. God designed the planet. He created humans, animals, plants, and nature. Nature created the disasters, but god created nature. He only changes the course of nature for His purpose and plan. Therefore, God is in control of everything, and everything is a plan set forth by God, before it even happens. “Sin shattered man's unity. However, God said to Noah, "I am establishing my Covenant with you and your descendants after you" (Gen 9:9). God planned salvation according to groups, "each with its own language, by their families, in their nations” (56-58). The bible clearly describes why God allowed the great flood to happen, man’s disobedience was the reason why He did this. Sometimes, God uses natural disasters for His own glory. He always shows us the right path to go, but sometimes we choose the easier one, and for that we get punished. God also allows for things to happen to get other people's attention or to prove a point. There is the reason for everything, and God just helps us to understand it. I think that natural disasters are acts of God, but I think when these events occur, God is trying to get us to learn from these events. I think there is a message or warning in them of what is to come if we don't change our ways of

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