National Honor Society Chapter 9 Summary

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Chapter 9 1.) He was taught that there should not be individuals but the great “WE”. People should not care for themselves but only for the better of the group. It is evil to go against this. Equality said that “Joy “is bond between them (82). Now the bond between them is joy because they are free from the council’s laws. They can go anywhere they please on their own accord. Most importantly they get to make their own decisions, together. The Joy comes from being able to do those things. Chapter 10 1. In my opinion, the house is like an ordinary house. It was a two story house with a flat roof and lots of windows. The house has the everyday things you would find in our present day house, their “unmentionable times”. Lamps, books,…show more content…
It becomes the most sacred thing to them. It is something to be respected and revered. It becomes the meaning of life. 5.) In a world where individuality is missing, all are expected to think and behave the same; even the words to mean individuality or references to the first person are missing. Even to discover or utter the word "I" is punishable by death; it is only referred to in the work as the "Unspeakable Word." Equality relates his experience when he was 10, and watched The Saint of the Pyre burned at the stake for some crime; he assumes that the Saint was attempting to communicate the concept of individuality, expressed in the word "I" to him. He was trying to tell Equality that there is a better way of life. Chapter 12 1.) Prometheus used fire and Gaea was the god of Mother Nature. They take those names because of who in history those names represent. Also they read them in a book and didn’t know of any other names. They were not allowed to have names in their old society because having a name shows individualism and makes you different from your brothers and
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