Narrative Essay - Most Important Memory

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Thomas Hughes ENG 121- 702RL Professor Laster March 13, 2014 My Most Important Memory Thinking back on my childhood there is one memory that I can remember so vividly that it was as if it happened just yesterday. I was around the age of five or six years old, only a couple of years into school and my only interests were playing video games with my brother or going to the park a couple of blocks away from my house to join a game of kickball with the other kids in my neighborhood. I didn’t have a favorite band or car, not even a favorite sport. This would change the day I went to my first football game. It was a chilly December Sunday morning and there was snow on the ground in my backyard when I looked out the window. I was sitting in my room playing with some toy or another waiting for my brother to return home from a friend’s house he stayed over. My dad came into my room and told me that my mother had taken him and my sister to the movies and left me home, without even asking if had wanted to come. At first I was confused, then just pissed off. I didn’t understand why they would leave me here by myself while they were out having all the fun without me. After my father had his fun and let my throw a fit for a few minutes, he told me. He was taking me to my first live football game. To be honest, I wasn’t very excited to go. I knew that it would be cold out and I had never really cared for football before this. I remember watching it on television and seeing all the people in the stands and wondering why they all seemed so angry, yelling at the cameras like they were insane. Regardless of my lack of interest for the game, I was going whether I wanted to or not. After getting ready, which for me was strapping on my Velcro X-Men sneakers and putting on my winter coat, we got in the car and were on the way. Driving on the parkway for two hours
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