He put in long practice and came out a champion. 2. He has shown the most improvement and growth in his schoolwork. He studies longer and more than before. He doesn’t have to be told by us, his parents to study.
Mike Kabbout Mrs.Tattam English 3 Period 3 8 September 2014 My First Race I have always been fast, no doubt about it, but when I transitioned into high school, my friends told me to join cross country. I was skeptical at first. This was the first time I had ever heard of a sport like this. I had decided to try it out anyway. I met the cross country coach, Coach Belo.
Over that summer I saw myself improve as a player. It also helped that I grew 2 inches over that summer as well, but at the end of it all I thought I was ready for the shot at playing real basketball. When I arrived at the high school for the first day of school I felt like I was in the land of giants even at me standing at 6 foot 2 and a half inches tall. After a few weeks of settling in the fall workouts were starting for basketball and I was excited to go. When I got there it became a different story entirely.
Images were racing wild through my mind as I thought about my teammates going to battle without me. I had played with some of these guys since we were in eighth grade, and when they needed me the most, all I could do is sit and cheer. I hated the feeling of helplessness, but at the same time I knew I had to do what little I could do, well. It was two days until the first game of my junior year in high school football season. My team and I were going to play St. Rita, a battle we had persistently prepared for since the last game of our sophmore year.
My best friend and I promised each other to train as hard as we could for 9 months to become the best. Before this moment I never really put in one hundred percent of my effort into something. Over the next couple months I dedicated myself to being a student athlete. By the end of the season I was voted the most improved player and the Most Valuable Player of the conference. My grades also improved tremendously having a 3.7 my senior year, my
After that day we did not speak for about a month and during the month of not talking we would spread rumors about one another to try and hurt the other person. Finally, we both came to our senses and just decided to talk and figure out how to make our friendship work again. That’s when she apologized for doing what she did and that she broke up with him because she thought our friendship was more important. Furthermore, conflict can best described as having a disagreement or controversy
I would go try to take the test and never finish because I felt I couldn’t do it. Until December 2011 I keep telling myself that if I didn’t go get it my kids would never have anything and I would be forced to live off the state or my mom. So December came along and I forced myself to go take that test. I was surprised to say I passed everything except my essay part. It took me two weeks to study for the next essay test and I passed with flying colors.
I was told that when you become a junior that’s when everything starts to get harder and you have to buckle down meaning no time for friends and really no weekend because it was going to require a lot of work, but I was sure that if I got through middle school, 9th and 10th grade that it would be no different than any other grade level class that I had taken already and passed. I was receiving an assignment in all classes to complete during the summer. I started the work, but it was so boring that I never finished the work. As time went on, my grades affected me, so I had to get tutoring if I wanted to be able to play football in the upcoming season. As I spent more time trying to bring up my grade in one class, my grades began to suffer in my other classes.
My first practice finally arrived, and I made my practice plan out, but I wanted to think about what I was going to say to the young eleven year olds. I kept thinking for over an hour and I couldn’t think of the right thing, but finally I figured out the perfect speech. I remember exactly what I said I told the kids that 5th grade basketball is about getting better so you can play at the high school level. I told them it has nothing to do with winning, of course everyone likes to win, that’s not the most important part. Never focus on the winning aspect of the game; focus on making yourself the best player you can be, and the wins will come.
Senior Year It was the fall of 1984; I was a senior in high school, this wasn’t a new school for me, I had attended this school for the last three years. Getting to school that morning proved to be very exciting, entering the doors at Hanau American High, this was going to be my last first day of school there. We were all excited to see each other, although we may have seen each other during the summer. This time I walked in with my head held high, I was a senior. We were going to rule the school, was going to be the best school year of my life.