Narrative Assignment Essay

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Unit 2 Narratives Assignment Tammy Rich Kaplan University HU300 – 01 The story that I have chosen is “The Tortoise and the Hare”. The story is about a hare and a tortoise who were good friends. The hare would boast of his speed and the tortoise one day challenged his friend in a race. The confident hare took it easy, but the tortoise ran steadily, and he won the race (Saloni, 2012) The moral of this story is that even if it seems that you are not the quickest or the best at a particular task that may not be the case. If you do your best from the beginning to the end and you will know where you stand. It may prove that someone who seems more skilled at something may not be and slow and steady wins the race (Saloni, 2012). In the fable “The Tortoise and the Hare”, the writers’ concentration isn’t on the Tortoise’s confident in taking on a bully such as the Hare, but emphasizes the foolishness of the Hare’s over-confidence. Growing up hearing this story, I now realize that many people have good natural abilities in regards to race, size, and statues; not knowing what our opponent is capable of. Just as in “The Tortoise and the Hare”, the hare from the start is confident of his ability to defeat the tortoise because of his characteristics and abilities. Thinking his hasting would cause him to get ahead, the hare finds himself behind. A wise man once said “haste makes waste” and in this case it is so true (Milleray, 2013). Storytelling has long held an important role in history. People have passed down stories from generation to generation. Storytelling has many key values for both the individual telling the story and the people listening to the story being told. Among the values that storytelling instills in its participants as stated by Margaret Read Macdonald, in The Storytellers Start-up Book. We improve our ability to listen, speak, imagine, compose
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