Napoleon Maintained Revolutionary Ideals

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The French Revolution was a period of societal and political change during the eighteenth century. This significant event in history radically shaped France and formed a society on the basis of the enlightenment principles. Although the revolution contained emulating democratic ideals appealing to the French bourgeoisie, the actions carried out to achieve these principles left France in political unrest and financial disaster. During this time of turmoil, France called upon a strong ruler; a man with an open mind and an enlightened soul. France needed a leader who not only shared democratic ideals of the revolution, but had the sheer genius and iron hand to see them into reality. France needed a child of equality and sovereignty to sew its tattered flag, and Napoleon Bonaparte was exactly that child. His love for equality and sovereignty was displayed in both his attitudes and policies as a result of religious ideas, national equality, and social reforms. Napoleon maintained democratic ideals of the revolution in every sense of the word. Even if his actions seemed to undo the gains of the revolution, the purpose held and the results achieved say otherwise. Prior to the French Revolution, France was divided into 3 separate states. The first estate was occupied by the clergy; religious leaders of France representing the Roman Catholic Church. The clergy contained high privileges within France which included collecting tithe and owning 10 percent of property in France, all exempt from property tax. The tithes were paid by members of the third estate, which comprised 97% of the French population. As a result, the Civil Constitution of the Clergy was passed during the French Revolution in attempt to bring equality in France. It abolished tithe collection, nationalized church property and broke off ties with the Roman Catholic Church. Although the reduced influence of
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