My Team Role

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“My Role in the team: yesterday, today and tomorrow” What is a team? Broadly it is a group of people. However not all group can become a team. There should be other components such as a common goal that unites people in moving in the same direction, a leader that inspires members in achieving results, and also it is important for a team to be well structured so that each member could perform tasks for which he/she has best capabilities. Working in teams can be a tricky task for a good majority of people, but being able to designate roles to each team member can help promote the teams effectiveness, cohesion and advance the project completion. Designating roles for the members of a group can increase effectiveness because it helps cater specific roles to a specific need that supports the team’s collaborative effort. Meredith Belbin in his investigation - a British researcher and management theorist - proposed in his research that an effective team has members that cover eight key roles in managing the team and how it carries out its work. These roles are plant: a creative, imaginative, unorthodox team-member who solves difficult problems; resource investigator: very communicative team member, striving to find new approaches and ideas; chairman: structured, consistent, responsible, this team member ensures that all members of the team are able to contribute to discussions and decisions of the team; shaper: a dynamic team-member who loves a challenge and thrives on pressure, may be pushy; monitor-evaluator: a sensible, strategic and discerning member, who tries to see all options and judge accurately; team worker: this member is concerned to ensure that interpersonal relationships within the team are maintained, company worker: the practical thinker who can create systems and processes that will produce what the team wants; completer finisher: the detail
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