My Place of Worship

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My Place of Worship The desire to be alone, to find a place of solitude and peace, can be as powerful as a physical need such as the need to quench a thirst or feed a hunger. Christopher McCandless knew this need well. His desire to be alone caused him to drop out of sight, donate his life savings to charity, abandon his possessions, and even change his name. “And then he invented a new life for himself, taking up residence at the ragged margin of our society, wandering across North America in search of raw, transcendent experience” (Krakauer). For most of us, the need to go to such extremes to be alone is not necessary, and oftentimes can be found in as simple a setting as a backyard. Such is the case for me. My backyard is a place of beauty and peace, a private niche where I spend time with God in worship, reflect on my faith, and put my life in perspective. As I enter my backyard through the sliding doors of the kitchen with my Bible and a steaming mug of coffee in hand, I’m struck by the yard’s beauty. My eyes are drawn to the brick wall blanketed in greenish-red ivy. The wall blocks the view to the busy street beyond our yard; however, the muffled sounds from the street can still be heard: cars rushing by with their drivers hoping to arrive to work on time, voices of early morning joggers eager to get their exercise in for the day, and the clickety-clack of horses’ hooves as their riders take them out for their morning trot. The contradiction of rushing cars, humming voices, and the clapping of hooves is striking, and I’m quickly transported between the busyness of the city and the solitude of the country-like setting my backyard provides. I head to the weathered bench that overlooks the sizable pond my husband constructed. The pond is the pride of our backyard. It provides a backdrop of serenity to the
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