My Passions Essay

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To have a passion for something, means to have a strong, unbearable emotion for something. Passions drive many of our lives, by giving us something to keep going for. My life too, revolves around passions, existing within the arts. These passions are music, drawing, and fashion. Without these, my life would certainly lacklustre. To begin with, music is a definite passion of mine. Food is a necessity in order for a human to survive. For me, music goes right alongside food. Writing music was always one of those things that came naturally to me. I have really enjoyed writing, since I was young, but more than anything, I enjoyed writing songs that related to my life. I would spend hours coming up with the perfect lyrics, tune, (etc.) Singing comes just as naturally to me as writing. I began singing at the age of 6. My mother would play all her old music and listen to me learn it all on my own. I have yet to go a day without singing along to a song I love. Listening to music is also a definite must. When I wake up, I need to hook my iPod up to my stereo and blast my music. It’s like a prayer for me. When I’m in the car, my radio has to be on. When I’m in neither my car, nor my house, I have my iPod in my ears. Music also greatly affects my mood greatly. Basically, I sing, write, and express my feelings through music. It benefits me in so many ways, and is certainly going to be one of my main loves until death. In addition to music, another passion of mine is visual arts. I took up photography at the age of 10. Cameras always intrigued me, and the world around me intrigued me even more. I see everything artistically. Because of this, I was always the one to video tape the family vacations, take the scenic pictures, and then edit them afterwards. For all the moments my memory fails me, I have my camera to get them. Alongside photography, I love drawing. My room walls

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