My Opinion About Media Influence

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Carleen Camacho Professor Miguel F. Valenti FMP 250 - Ethics Final 11 December 2013 Q. 4 Do I feel different about the ethics in film now than when I first began? I do indeed. I believe a society that has access to any form of media controls the way we think, behave, communicate, and even feel unless the person questions the information. Before this course, my belief about films was that filmmakers have a choice to do whatever they want and if anyone had a problem with it, tuff. In a matter of 17 weeks I have come to the realization that it is my immature thinking that encourages and allows filmmakers to produce such distasteful, disturbing films. Unfortunately, I was just one of the million of ignorant, uninformed human beings. Based on recent events such as the Aurora massacre (Eckman), it is obvious the media plays a major role on our behavior. Society has been subconsciously hijacked and fed unimportant and many times wrong information by the media. I heard the term “critical thinking” during my senior year in high school but didn’t actually understand it until two summers ago while attending a community college. That is our education system. As a student, I feel I should have learned to think critically in elementary school. As a mother, I understand the difficulties to parent unaware children. As an aspiring filmmaker, we should not exacerbate the situation for profit. However, I am not a professional filmmaker nor have been in their situation. I would like to believe that I would not be a sell-out; that I would be true to my beliefs and values just the same after I am well known in the entertainment industry. Works Cited Eckman, Dr. Jim. “James Holmes, the Aurora Massacre and the Nature of Evil.” Issues In Perspective with Dr. Jim Eckman. Grace University. 4 Aug. 2012. Web. 10 Dec.
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