My Most Memorable Moment

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My most memorable moment was the time I got my first cat. This event was special to me for many reasons. 1st off, I had been looking forward to this day ever since I was 4. Why 4, you ask? Well, that was the first time I started becoming obsessed with Hello Kitty, and after that, all I could think about was getting my own kitten. 2nd off, I absolutely love everything about cats. Their soft fur, their creepy but fascinating eyes, their cute little paws, just everything! I know, I sound like one of those crazy old ladies, but hey, everyone has their obsessions right? Anyway, the day of the adoption I woke up bright and early, feeling super excited. After forcefully waking my parents up, we began our journey to the humane society. The ride felt like 30 long minutes, but it actually only took us 5 to get there. It must've been my nerves getting to me. Once we had arrived, their were cats everywhere! Long-haired, short-haired, and even no-haired. After quite a while of deciding, I finally decided on a Female Turkish Brown Kitten named Holly. I knew she was the one for me, because of the way she looked at me with her big blue eyes, just pleading for me to take her home. In just a week, Holly and became bestfriends. We basically did everything together! If I was watching TV, Holly would be right next to me, doing the same. If I was doing my homework, she would also be there to chew on all my pencils. Getting a cat was one of the best decisions in my life. Some people think of cats as lazy pets who sit in your house all day and do nothing. But to me, Holly was like a sister, except she had whiskers and fur throughtout her whole

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