My Most Important Person

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Erica Cravalho English 101 My husbands grandmother, Evelynn Koerte, beloved matriarch of the Cravalho family passed away in her home, with family members present, in December 2011. With her husband, and immediate children present, my husbands grandmother laid on the couch in her home and passed away. My husband and two children were home in Fort Hood, Texas. When I heard the news that she had died, the news was devastating. Not only was I deployed to Afghanistan and missing my family I was unable to comfort my husband and children. I myself felt guilty because I had not spoken to her for a couple weeks. The last time I spoke with her I had to cut our conversation short and forgot to let her know how much I loved her. Her death had a huge emotional impact on myself and family. Her loss brought back a lot of memories of when my grand-mother passed away and how much it hurt to lose her. It took a lot of time for me to cope with her loss because of how close we were and we also shared the same birthday. Her passing affected our family in many ways. Funeral arrangements had to be made in a short amount of time. Her husband, now living alone, needs someone to help him get around and assist him with everyday living tasks. This task has been fulfilled by husbands uncle. My mother-in-law, has now assumed the role of the family matriarch. I believe that because he has lost the love of his life for over 60 years, my grandfather will soon want to leave this life to be with her again. Such is life. We live and we die. The effects of a death in the family is indescribable, yet we must move on and live life the best we can. I have experienced deaths in my family before, which I believe has made me a stronger person,
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