My Journey Back to School

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My Journey back to school Andre Roundtree 8/27/12 After I graduated from high school in 2004 I decided after 18 years of this school stuff why not take a break for a while, like a year off or two I deserve it why not, man was I’m in for a surprise I wind up Taking eight years off I remember being told by one of my teachers “if you take a year off you may never go back”. She was right. I always was taught in order to make it in this world you would need to have a good education and that Was always a focal point in my household growing up as a kid. I always had a dream of going to college The main reason for me returning to school is to get a career, establish a foundation that my children can follow when I have some I want my future kids to also watch to achieve the highest education they can and I think that starts with me getting a good education. I always wanted to get back into school to, I Never wanted to go eight years without being in school I reached a point for me when I started going From one job to the next I realize I am a very smart person who deserves to strive for the best and I Know when my mind is set I can accomplish anything. So I last year I enrolled back into school I’m taking Online classes for now because I still work a full time schedule but it’s real helpful for me coming in from Work I can get settled in and begin my assignment at my time eventually I want to go to a real classroom Because I was always a better learner when I’m in a live classroom but online will be good for now. I Knew going back to school would mean I would have to cut a few things out like going out. After I finished high school I was always out and about partying with my friends I was never home. Now that I’m back in school I understand when it’s time for work and when I will have time
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